
Infrastructure Assistance: Rail Industrial Access Program

The Rail Industrial Access program (RIA) provides funds to construct railroad tracks for new or substantially expanded industrial and commercial projects in Virginia. Submit your information to learn more about grant funding opportunities.

What is the RIA Program?

The Rail Industrial Access Program promotes truck diversion by providing grant assistance to connect new or expanding businesses to the freight railroad network. A grant of up to $750,000 may be requested. Funding requires a 30 percent match by the applicant.

Who can apply for grant funding?

  • Business, commercial, or industrial enterprises
  • Local governments acting on behalf of enterprises
  • Local departments of economic development acting on behalf of enterprises
  • Railroads

What can grant funding be used for?

RIA is intended to assist the following project types:

  • Track construction to new commercial or industrial facilities.
  • Track construction or improvement to substantially expanding existing commercial or industrial facilities.

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